The situation for children and families in Ukraine is increasingly desperate.

Donate NOW to provide support to women, children and health care workers in Ukraine.


Current Situation


The people of Ukraine have had their lives shattered by the devastating impacts of war.

As humanitarian needs multiply by the hour, the lives of millions of children continue to hang in the balance. 6.6 million refugees have fled Ukraine, around half of them children. More than 8 million people have been internally displaced.

Here’s what we know and most importantly, what we’re doing to help.

Since 24 February 2022, UNICEF and partners have:


UNICEF Ukraine Crises Response for Children is appealing for a total of US$349 million.

UNICEF’s decades-long experience working with children growing up amid armed conflict has clearly shown that children can recover from the pain of war if they remain in school and stay connected to family and loved ones. 

UNICEF is also scaling up its response to meet the urgent needs of children and families crossing into neighbouring countries. These efforts include setting up ‘Blue Dot’ safe spaces along transit routes for children and mothers to access services.

With your support, UNICEF is doing everything possible to protect the physical safety, psychological well-being and future of every child affected by the war in Ukraine.

Act NOW to support humanitarian help to reach those in need


(In the unusual event that donations for the Emergency Appeal for Ukraine exceed the needs, we will direct the gift to support children in crises.)

The Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF generates its revenue from individual and corporate supporters.
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