Your donation will help to provide

medicine, vaccines and training

for health workers to care

for the children and pregnant women in need.


Support children in China

by sending your first monthly gift


UNICEF’s work in China has influenced key policies relating to maternal and child health. Over the last few decades, the Government of China has made tremendous efforts to increase the implementation of various maternal and child healthcare services. China’s under-five mortality rate has dropped from 39.7% to 7.1%.

However, these benefits have not been spread evenly across the country, especially for the rural poor and migrant populations. Disparities in access to health care services result in perils such as high maternal and neonatal mortality rate, stunting and transmission of contagious diseases. Poverty is violating children’s basic right to survival.

Child Health Care Project

To provide nutritional food for children

To implement free immunization and vitamin programmes for children

To train health workers and empower them to provide quality healthcare, nutrition, and WASH services to mothers and their baby

To monitor the health situation of children, and provide health care information to caregivers

Safe Motherhood Project

To improve hospita/ clinic facilities and promote hospital delivery in rural areas

To provide infants and mothers with basic health care services and regular check-ups

To introduce folic acid and iron supplements for pregnant women

To provide professional training and guidance to health care workers

To provide HIV-testing service to pregnant women

These interventions have undoubtedly led to vast improvements in child health conditions. But there is much more to do to reduce disparities and improve health coverage for poor families in remote rural areas.Every neonatal death represents a life that could have been saved. And we urgently need your help.


By becoming a regular donor of the ‘China Children’s Health Fund’ programme, you help UNICEF save lives and improve the health conditions of children in rural China. Your donation will be channeled towards providing medicine, vaccines and training for health workers to care for the children and pregnant women in need.With a focus on leaving no one behind, UNICEF aims to end preventable deaths of children under five by 2030.Your generosity can make it happen.



Your monthly donation provides a steady and cost-effective source of income to UNICEF, and because it is processed automatically, you help us simplify administrative procedures — allowing us to allocate the funds more efficiently to save more children.